Nicole S. Castro

Mar 4, 2022

BL anime 'Dakaichi's' in-series play 'Kouyouki' (The Red Leaf Ogre) announces stage play in Japan

'Kouyouki' (The Red Leaf Ogre) is the play which Takato Saijō and Chihiro Ayagi starred in in episode 9 of the TV anime.

By: Nicole S. Castro on March 04, 2022 at 18:44 PHT

Hashigo Sakurabi's boys' love series Dakaichi: I'm Being Harassed By the Sexiest Man of the Year (Short title: Dakaichi) has announced that a stage adaptation of the play within the series Kouyouki (English: The Red Leaf Ogre; Japanese: 紅葉鬼 ) will run from May 8 to 15, 2022 at the THEATRE1010 in Tokyo.

©︎Dakaichi PROJECT

The Red Leaf Ogre is a stage play that was depicted in episode 9 of Dakaichi's TV anime. In the play, Ayagi plays the hero Shigesada while Takato plays the antagonist Tsunewaka (the eponymous Red Leaf Ogre) .

Below is the official Tweet stating the announcement. Japanese actor Shô Jinnai (陈内将) will be starring as Takato Saijō as Tsunewaka.

The stage play will be directed by Shingo Machida, with screenplay by Akira Kuzuki. The play is managed by performance group Trifle Entertainment.

Source: Kouyouki official Twitter, official website



Nicole is based in the Philippines and works as a freelance Japanese Translator/Interpreter and copywriter (English). She is a JLPT N2 passer who watches anime to "study" for N1. She has a long career history on LinkedIn (with primary focus on media and translation), but her anime watchlist is much, much longer.