Nicole S. Castro

Jan 24, 2022

Funny Summaries for the Winter 2022 Anime (non-sequels)

Written by: Nicole Castro

Published on: January 24, 2022 at 18:41 PHT (GMT+8)

Welcome to the Winter 2022 anime season!

We're obviously excited for the sequels like Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 2, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Entertainment District Arc, and The Case Study of Vanitas Part 2, but if you're wondering which of the newly airing anime are worth watching, see our [very accurate] one to two-liner summaries below!

(PS: Please refer to MyAnimeList or Wikipedia for the serious summaries 😅)

1. Akebi's Sailor Uniform
Akebi's Sailor Uniform | Studio: CloverWorks

Summary: Everyone at Roubai Academy goes lesbian for extroverted Akebi. But hey, we can understand.

2. Fabiniku (Life with an Ordinary Guy Who Reincarnated into a Total Fantasy Knockout)
Fabiniku | Studio: OLM Team Yoshioka

Summary: There is no place for "No homo" in this isekai anime. The goddess made sure of it.

3. Love of Kill
Love of Kill | Studio: Platinum Vision

Summary: We're not sure if Ryang-ha Song wants a love life while killing, or if he'll be killing for love. But Chateau definitely needs headache medicine at this point with all the mixed signals.

4. My Dress-Up Darling
My Dress-Up Darling | Studio: CloverWorks

Summary: The best way to a woman's heart (and to the zettai ryouiki/absolute territory) is by being her cosplay designer and photographer.

5. Orient
Orient | A.C.G.T.

Summary: Feudal Japan x Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic series but with motorcycles (they promise to explain that).

6. Police in a Pod
Police in a Pod | Studio: Madhouse

Summary: Work senpai teaches you how to do well in your job AND the best things to say during your exit interview.

7. Sasaki and Miyano
Sasaki and Miyano | Studio Deen

Summary: Boys' love anime with A+ fluffiness. Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi shoujo aesthetic on steroids. No regrets.

8. The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt
Tensai Ouji | Studio: Yokohama Animation Lab

Summary: When an entire nation chooses to ignore the red flags in you.

9. Tokyo 24th Ward
Tokyo 24th Ward | Studio: CloverWorks

Summary: A mysterious force grants superpowers to three childhood friends based on the computer screen primary colors (red, green, and blue) to solve the trolley problem. Also, seiyuu Junya Enoki is back with his Spider-Man voice as Shuuta.

10. World's End Harem
We can't see what's awesome | Studios: Studio Gokumi, AXsiZ

Summary: Watch the uncensored version unless you want 50% of your screen to look like it's glitching.

#digest #funny #winter2022anime

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