Mar 8, 2021News'Shadows House' horror-slice of life anime series reveals main visual and staff, premieres April 10The official Twitter of Somato's "Shadows House" manga series has revealed on Monday the main visual for the upcoming TV anime adaptation...
Mar 2, 2021NewsSinger-songwriter 'Utada Hikaru' to perform the theme song for 'To Your Eternity' anime seriesThe official website of Japanese local channel NHK has revealed on Tuesday that the theme song for the upcoming TV anime series adaptatio...
Feb 10, 2021NewsFrom the creator of A Silent Voice, TV anime drama series 'To Your Eternity' to premiere on April 12The TV anime series adaptation of Yoshitoki ÅŒima's "To Your Eternity (Fumetsu no Anata e)" manga series' has revealed on Wednesday a new ...