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Mar 28, 2021
Skate-Leading Stars FINALE Episode 12: Just your average ice skating show
The finale is here. Chase the core, come on let’s go!

Mar 21, 2021
Skate-Leading Stars EP11 REVIEW: Prelude to Victory?
The final leg of the Grand Prix officially begins!

Mar 14, 2021
Skate-Leading Stars EP10: Trudging towards the Grand Prix Finals
The skate-leading stars enter the final leg of the Grand Prix Series. Who will emerge victorious? Who will cave into the pressure? All that

Mar 7, 2021
In Skate-Leading Stars EP9, the side characters shine, but not enough to brighten this dull plot
Guaranteed a spot at the nationals, the Ionodai Skate-Leading Team sits back as the Grand Prix Series enters its final stages—featuring some

Feb 28, 2021
Skate-Leading Stars EP 8: Minor setback for a major (and icy!) comeback
With new resolve—and new tricks up their sleeves—the Ionodai High Skate-Leading Team once more presses towards the Grand Prix Series. And th

Feb 21, 2021
Episode 7 exposes Skate-Leading Stars' bad character development
After a shocking finish at the Grand Prix series, the Ionodai High Skate-Leading Club regroups. And Sasugai…wait, where is Sasugai?!

Feb 14, 2021
Skate-Leading Stars EP6: Let the Grand Prix begin!
It’s tournament arc! After a hard training day’s work, the Ionodai High Skate-Leading Club begins their journey to the nationals—can they sk

Feb 8, 2021
The Skate-Leading Stars head to the Grand Prix in EP5!
With the Grand Prix series right around the corner, Maeshima and the skate-leading club start training. Will they persevere as one

Jan 31, 2021
Skate-Leading Stars EP4 awkwardly twirls in the wrong direction
Maeshima and Sasugai finally get into the skate-leading club! Wait…what? Himekawa left the club?
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